50 Cent is the latest celebrity to boycott Gucci following their controversial face mask that resembled blackface. The rapper took to Instagram to share a video of himself burning a Gucci t-shirt while announcing that he’s getting rid of all the Gucci at his house.
I gotta get rid of all the Gucci I have at home. I`m not supporting their brand anymore, he captioned the phone. The rapper shared a clip of himself burning a t-shirt down with a pile of Gucci clothes on the ground as well.
Prior to burning his Gucci clothes to a crisp, the rapper said that he’d be donating the clothes to the homeless. The rapper said this in response to reports that the Gucci owners admitted to screwing up and saying the company would put more of an effort into her reviewing products and marketing for cultural sensitivity. Fif simply said that he won’t be rocking the brand anymore.
Yeah I`m gonna pass on Gucci, I`m giving all mine to the homeless so the right demo can wear it, he said.