Stan Nze’s wife, Blessing has shared an emotional post via her Instagram page.
Blessing Jessica Obasi, who is an actress and filmmaker has lamented bitterly about the state of the country. In a lengthy post shared, Blessing revealed that the past few days have been emotionally draining for her.
Furthermore, she advised Nigerians to get their PVCs, as solidarity posts won’t do the magic.
She wrote;
The past few days has been emotionally draining for me”¦My brain and mind cannot comprehend. Yet I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!! PLEASE GO AND GET YOUR PVC”¦ Social media posts or solidarity posts won`t do the magic!
Your Vote will do it! God will not come down and do it for us, we will need to do our own part so that prophecy will be fulfilled on time!
God`s promises will DEFINITELY COME TO PASS however disobedience or not doing the right thing can delay it! I can`t go through this cycle of pain for another 8years! So I have gotten my PVC and I WILL VOTE AND MY VOTE WILL COUNT.
See post below: