Ubi Franklin, personal assistant to Chioma Adeleke, has taken a dig at Prince Bobo Ajudua, the former lawyer of the well-known Afrobeat star Davido. It’s worth noting that Davido and Prince Bobo parted ways several months ago after what was described as a close, familial relationship. Adding to the mix, Prince Bobo’s father, Fred Ajudua, was recently arrested on charges of forgery and land fraud but was later granted bail in Abuja.
In a recent Instagram story post, Ubi Franklin subtly criticized Davido’s former legal counsel. The now-deleted post highlighted Ubi’s father’s career as a respected High Court judge, while questioning the professional background of Ajudua’s father.
“My dad was a High Court judge, very respected. Who is your dad and what does the world know about him?” Franklin wrote.