Cuppy has once again showcased her generosity as she donated the money realized from her grandma’s 90th birthday to an unemployed man.
Recall that Cuppy flew in from the UK just to perform at her Grandmother’s 90th birthday, Her Performance broke the internet especially when she took off her cap to collect the money sprayed on her.
Cuppy also revealed that she got #101, 800 from her performance and she would like to give it out to someone who needs it. It was heartbreaking to see many Nigerians share numerous problems with Cuppy on Twitter.
Many centred on unemployment, hunger, house rent, and medical bills. A particular story moved Cuppy to action and is that of a man who couldn’t afford medications for his 7 months, pregnant wife.
According to him, he lost his job in January after suffering a brief illness and they have been feeding from hand to mouth. He uploaded a List of the things his wife and unborn baby need.
Reacting to this, Cuppy transferred the #101, 800 to him. She also pleaded with Nigerians to help each other because the country is extremely hard at the moment.
See below;
Dear @OlusegunSteph18 I`m SO sorry that you just lost your job. Royal Birds Motel in Akure should be ASHAMED of themselves for sacking you during a difficult time for your family.
Just sent you N101,800 so that you can buy the medication for your pregnant wife ??? #CuppyCares
”” Cuppy (@cuppymusic) April 5, 2022